Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

Pharmacy ESL and Digital Signage: Driving the Smart Transformation of Pharmacies

Publisher:Zkong Release time:Aug 29 , 2024 Source:Zkong

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, pharmacies are embracing new technologies to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer experience. Among these innovations, Pharmacy Electronic Shelf Labels (Pharmacy ESL) and Pharmacy Digital Signage have emerged as essential tools that contribute to the intelligent management of pharmacy operations. These technologies not only replace traditional methods but also offer new opportunities for digital transformation, making pharmacies more efficient, accurate, and customer-friendly.


What are Pharmacy ESLs?

Pharmacy Electronic Shelf Labels (Pharmacy ESL) are electronic display devices that replace traditional paper labels on pharmacy shelves. These labels are connected to the pharmacy's computer database via wired or wireless networks, allowing for real-time updates of drug prices and other relevant information. Each ESL is a vital tool for managing drug inventory, ensuring accurate and efficient pharmacy operations, and aiding in the digital transformation of pharmacies.

Advantages of Pharmacy ESLs

  • Enhanced Prescription Dispensing Accuracy

Pharmacy ESLs significantly improve the accuracy of prescription dispensing. Once a prescription is issued, the ESL displays the pharmacist's name and the quantity of the required medication, assisting in verifying the dispensing process. This reduces errors and allows multiple pharmacists to work simultaneously. For less commonly used medications, ESLs help pharmacists quickly locate the necessary items, avoiding delays caused by misplaced inventory. Additionally, ESLs can display information on multiple pages, ensuring that all relevant details are easily accessible.

  • Expiry Date Alerts

Pharmacy ESLs provide real-time information on drug expiration dates by displaying this data directly on the label. Medications nearing their expiration date are highlighted with flashing indicators, which can be customized to alert pharmacists to take necessary actions. This feature helps maintain a safe and efficient inventory by preventing the sale of expired medications.

  • Complete Tracking of the Dispensing Process

Equipped with pharmacist identification wristbands, Pharmacy ESLs enable full tracking of the prescription dispensing process. Pharmacists can print dispensing lists, transmit prescription information, and update the status of the dispensing process, ensuring a seamless workflow from start to finish. This comprehensive tracking enhances transparency and accountability in pharmacy operations.

  • Efficient Inventory Management

Regular inventory checks are crucial for maintaining accurate stock levels. Pharmacy ESLs facilitate paperless, simultaneous inventory checks by multiple staff members, with results instantly transmitted to the central management system for immediate processing. This real-time data exchange simplifies inventory management and reduces the chances of stock discrepancies.

  • Automated Restocking Assistance

When restocking medications, pharmacists can scan barcodes to activate corresponding shelf lights, with ESLs displaying detailed information such as drug names, batch numbers, and dosage forms. This minimizes the risk of placing medications in the wrong locations, ensuring accurate inventory organization.

  • Clear and Efficient Drug Dispensing

After the medication is prepared, the pharmacist uses their identification wristband to confirm the placement of the drug on the smart dispensing shelf. The system then updates the status on the queue display screen, ensuring that the dispensing process is clear and efficient for both pharmacists and patients.


Pharmacy Digital Signage: Enhancing Customer Experience

As the "fifth media," digital signage has gained recognition for its ability to disseminate information rapidly and effectively. Pharmacy Digital Signage is now a popular tool in pharmacies worldwide, playing a vital role in enhancing customer experience through dynamic content delivery and intelligent service offerings.

  • Dynamic Information Display: Leading a New Era of Health-Conscious Shopping

Traditional static signage in pharmacies often fails to capture customers' attention in busy environments. Pharmacy Digital Signage, however, stands out with its dynamic and colorful displays. It provides real-time updates on drug information, health tips, and promotional activities, creating a visually engaging experience for customers. By offering a blend of video, animations, and other rich content, pharmacy digital signage not only helps customers find what they need but also educates them on healthy living, driving a new trend in health-conscious shopping.

  • Smart Service Offerings: Reducing Wait Times and Enhancing Satisfaction

Pharmacy Digital Signage is more than just an information board—it is a powerful tool for improving customer satisfaction. By displaying health education content, pharmacy services, and real-time queue updates, digital signage alleviates customer anxiety during wait times and reduces perceived waiting periods. Additionally, it informs customers about the latest promotions, allowing them to take advantage of offers while appreciating the pharmacy's attention to detail and professionalism. For pharmacists, this platform serves as a bridge for effective communication, enabling them to provide clear guidance on medication use and health consultations, thereby building trust and satisfaction among customers.

  • Optimizing the Pharmacy Environment

Pharmacy Digital Signage offers unique advantages that not only improve the pharmacy environment but also play a crucial role in boosting sales and enhancing the overall customer experience. With continuous technological advancements, digital signage is set to become an indispensable part of future pharmacies, driving the digital transformation of the pharmaceutical retail industry.

Our Success Stories

A leading pharmacy chain improved compliance and customer trust with ZKONG’s electronic shelf labels and digital signage, ensuring accurate pricing and real-time stock updates, boosting customer satisfaction by 30%.



The integration of Pharmacy ESL and Pharmacy Digital Signage into pharmacy operations marks a significant step towards the intelligent and digital transformation of the industry. These technologies streamline workflow, enhance the accuracy of prescription dispensing, and improve inventory management, all while offering customers a richer, more engaging shopping experience. As the retail pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve, the adoption of these digital tools will be key to staying competitive and meeting the ever-changing needs of both pharmacists and customers.

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