Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

SONY Partners with ZKONG for Growing Retail

Publisher:Zkong Release time:Mar 19 , 2021 Source:Zkong

As a world leading consumer electronics retailer, SONY hopes to create a better consumer experience in the store environment through optimizing technology and retail solutions.

SONY achieved this by partnering with ZKONG who are a leading provider of electronic shelf labels and related Omni- channel solutions. The ZKONG solution is available in different sizes ranging from 1.54 inches to 7.5 inches and is being installed in key retail stores across East China.

SONY Partners with ZKONG for Growing Retail

It is common practice for customers to compare prices online and offline, especially when it comes to consumer electronics. They check and test items in stores, then compare prices online and the better deal always wins. ZKONG electronic shelf labels makes the price difference at the shelf-edge stronger to attract consumers to purchase.

SONY Partners with ZKONG for Growing Retail

The ease of updating product information with ZKONG electronic shelf labels allows the physical stores to better adhere to a multi-channel pricing strategies, allowing SONY Electronics to remain competitive and flexible, and supporting the corporate pricing commitments. With technical support from ZKONG, SONY’s integrated multi-channel price changes result in 100% price accuracy between prices at the shelf, online and at checkout.

SONY Partners with ZKONG for Growing Retail


· Quality electronic shelf labels
· Powerful IoT cloud platform

· Rapid installation
· 24*7 hours customer service
· Satisfying price

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World's No.1 Cloud Electronic Shelf Label System
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