Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

Zkong Empower Hot-kid Club to A New Era of IOT

Publisher:Zkong Release time:Apr 30 , 2020 Source:Zkong

Hot-kid Milk, a national brand in China, has been highly recognized by millennials as an iconic symbol for their childhood. But Hot-kid Milk was not so “hot”for recent years as times changes for generation Z.

It’s time to get the lead out as the digital power of technology burst dramatically in various industries. Hot-kid club opened dozens of offline stores in line with the trend of new retail at its 30th anniversary of establishment.

Red is the dominant style throughout the store with a variety of snacks and adorable relevant cartoons, which is in line with Hot-kid's brand tone. Besides, more than 80% of the products are available offline exclusively, including new products that aren't officially launched online.

Zkong Empower Hot-kid Club to A New Era of IOT

Zkong Empower Hot-kid Club to A New Era of IOT

Driven by new forms of consumption, the combination of offline and online is an emerging move to strengthen the smart retail strategy.

1) Customer focused. meeting the shopping needs of modern consumers with unique new products, various of peripheral products, impressive display and experiences.

2) Breaking down the boundaries of time, space, scene, etc. Consumers can browse the items they want to buy online 24 hours a day, breaking the time limit; Reaching customers nationally and even globally through networks, breaking down space constraints; Numerous products are displayed by means of the online mall , breaking the limits of the scene.

3) Based on the new technology to provide better services, Want Want Group adopts digital store solution, laying a solid foundation for the new retail model.

Scenarios of Zkong ESL system in Hot-kid Club

Scenarios of Zkong ESL system in Hot-kid Club

For enterprises, Zkong provides comprehensive solution for smart retail to digitalize the physical stores with our electronic shelf labels and Saas cloud system. Users are allowed to change the price information remotely with the browser, synchronize the commodity information online and offline automatically to improve operational efficiency, which also reduce labor and consumables investment.

For consumers, the electronic shelf labeling system permits to change huge amounts of product information instantaneously with the function of page switching; clear marketing activities, improve interaction with customers, Engaging consumers by precising marketing and interaction.

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